Hello, My name is Katy Jones and I am 21 years old. I grew up in various parts of the North County area in San Diego and live here currently. I attended Lake Elementary School in Vista, Valley Junior High in Carlsbad, and Rancho Bernardo High School in San Diego. I am both a Liberal Studies and Spanish major with a minor in Linguistics at Cal State San Marcos and will be finished this Fall. Afterwards, I will apply to the credential program in the Spring. I wanted to leave my home town of San Diego, so I spent my junior year studying abroad in Madrid, Spain. I fell in love with the Spanish culture and desperately want to move back to Spain again someday.
I wouldn't consider myself technologically savvy, but I am relatively familiar with applications like the Internet, E-mail,PowerPoint, etc. I am much more comfortable when using a PC, but I am becoming more confident navigating with a Mac. I depend on technology quite often, but I actually wish that I had better access through the use of a personal laptop. I'm hoping to get one after graduating. I believe that on my PC at home I am using a 2006 version of Microsoft Office.
The mission statement was not a deciding factor in my decision to attend Cal State San Marcos, but I did attend this University because of the outstanding reputation of the teaching credential program. The portion of the mission statement that most speaks to me is the sentence reading: "Our practices demonstrate a commitment to student-centered education [and] diversity". I am planning on teaching in a bilingual classroom, so diversity and cross cultural exploration will be very important components in my future classroom (s). I think that teachers have done a successful job when their students independently reach out to others who are unlike themselves and make connections with their peers.
Hi Katy! I was in the class with you that was cancelled, but I am glad it worked out this way because I think we are going to learn so much valuable information in this class. I am also a Liberal Studies major with a depth of study in Linguistics. I loved the Linguistics department at this school, and I know it's nerdy but I think grammar is fun, like a puzzle! haha! Anyways, I look forward to working with you. I would also love to go to Spain, you are so lucky that you have gone there! See you in class!
Spain! I think that is awesome! Once I get enough teaching experience here in the states I want to do an exchange program abroad. I would love to teach most anywhere in Europe but I am particularly attracted to Spain and Italy. I will have to pick your brain sometime . . .
Hey Katy! I loved the portion of the mission statement you chose! student centered teaching is the only ay to go! I think many teachers get caught up in the habbit of following the standards and forget to focus more on their students:( Hopefully with young up coming teachers like us, the educational system will improve. Good luck in class! See ya!
Hey Katy :) I was happy to read that you went to Lake Elementary school because that is where I went. I don't know that many people anymore that have went there so its always nice to hear something familiar. I think it is so awesome that you got that opportunity to visit Spain for a semester! It has always been a country I have wanted to go to since I was little. I know how easy it is to fall in love with a country like Spain. I actually visited a friend who was going to school in Rome and I fell in love with so much of the culture and language as well and can't wait to go visit again. I also admire you continuing with learning spanish!
That is so awesome that you were able to go to Spain for your junior year!! I have heard that Spain is beautiful! I wish that I would have done something like that!
I hear you on the the fact that I am a pc person. I think that the more I use a mac the more I like them. It probably doesn't hurt to be proficient at both. I'm jealous of your year in Spain. I often wished I would have traveled more when it was an easier option. Well good luck with the credential program.
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